Thursday, 29 March 2018

Cable biceps curl

Step 1: Attach a straight bar or a rope attachment to the lower pulley of a cable station. Grab the bar/rope with the hands shoulder width apart using underhand grip and hold it at arms length just in front of your thighs. Make sure to stand with the back straight and locked in position. Keep your feet hip width apart.

Step 2: Using the elbows as the pivot point, curl the bar/rope up towards the chest as far as you can without allowing your upper body to move.

Avoid this mistake: Make sure to keep your back straight at all times. It has been observed that during this exercise many individuals swing or bend their back unintentionally. Not only does that decrease the effectiveness of the workout, but also hinders in optimum muscle growth and also causes lower back pain in the longer run.

Step 3: Pause for 2 seconds at the highest point, then slowly return to initial position.

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